Week 7: Adventure awaits (sort of)

Firstly, my apologies to readers who have noticed the recent absence of weekly updates. There are a few reasons (but no good excuses):
• Course content has picked up and kept us preoccupied.
• The weather is improving and inviting us to spend every spare moment outside.
• Our weekends have been booked with adventures and activities with the roommates.
• There is an unfortunate lack of meaningful events/excursions to report due to the continued lockdown restrictions.

Looking for the end of lockdown like...

To our dismay- and that of the Ireland's entire population- level 5 lockdown measures will remain until at least April 5th. The initial end date was January 31st, so we arrived expecting to endure only a few weeks of restricted movements. At this point, the restrictions seem unlikely to lift during our semester abroad. Despite the obvious disappointment, we are still incredibly grateful to be in Ireland and enjoy the experiences that are available. Namely, the social and adventurous aspects offered by studying here: our friends and roommates, and the stunning scenery, are the primary perks of being here at the moment. I'm including some highlights here below: a future post to follow featuring more details from Emily!

Team Adventure

Roommate hiking trip (minus our resident photographer)

A brief polar plunge

Sunshine, spring, and waterfalls...

Adventure... is all in the hat ;)


  1. I am so glad you are making the best out of it and taking advantage of the beautiful countryside. Love the pics! ❤️


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